Bahrain Paralympic Team Continues Preparations

11 Oct 2024
Bahrain Paralympic Team Continues Preparations

Eman: The Games Offer a True Opportunity for Experience and Building a Generation of Athletes

The Bahrain Paralympic team continues its intensive preparations for the International School Sports Games (Bahrain 2024), with daily training sessions for the athletes set to participate in the games hosted by the Kingdom in October.

The team will compete in Paralympic athletics and badminton, with 15 selected athletes: 11 for athletics (5 female and 6 male athletes) and 3 for badminton (1 female and 2 male athletes).

Eman Hassan, Technical Director at the Bahrain Paralympic Committee, said, "The Paralympic Committee is honoured to oversee the preparations of the national team, with His Excellency Shaikh Mohammed bin Duaij Al Khalifa, President of the Paralympic Committee, and Ali Al-Majed, Secretary-General, closely following all preparation details."

Hassan added, "The team is intensifying its preparations with daily weekly training sessions at designated venues and sports halls. This aligns with the plan to prepare the athletes for this crucial participation, aiming for full readiness and the best possible performance to represent the Kingdom and compete for top positions amid broad international participation."

The team is guided by a technical staff of eight coaches, divided between Paralympic athletics and badminton.

"We are proud of the inclusion of some of our champions, such as shot-put champion Zainab Al-Balushi, wheelchair racing champion Ahmed Nuh, shot-put and discus champion Sayed Hussein Ahmed, and Fatima Al-Sayed, who competes in both shot-put and discus. Also, badminton champion Zainab Mohammed will represent Bahrain and a group of players selected from school competitions," Hassan continued.

Hassan emphasised that this championship presents a genuine opportunity for young athletes to gain experience and compete, marking the beginning of building a new generation of athletes—one of the Paralympic Committee's strategic goals.

She stated, "Through this championship, we aim to highlight the achievements of athletes with determination in Bahrain and achieve honourable results with high-ranking positions."

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