The technical meetings for the International School Games "Bahrain 2024" began, starting with the karate competition meeting at the Art Hotel in Amwaj Islands. Representatives from the participating countries and the competition's technical committee were in attendance.
On Thursday, more technical meetings took place across several locations. The Art Hotel hosted meetings for swimming and Paralympic swimming, followed by athletics and Paralympic athletics, and judo and Paralympic judo competitions. Ramada City Center Hotel also hosted meetings for beach volleyball and boxing, followed by technical meetings for chess and aerial gymnastics, and then handball and tennis. Khalifa Sports City hosted the shooting competition meeting, while Isa Sports City hosted the badminton and Paralympic badminton meetings, followed by the table tennis competition meeting.
During these sessions, competition regulations were discussed, including reviewing schedules and training locations, confirming the eligibility of participating players, and addressing other general technical matters. Delegations reviewed their participants’ lists, confirmed competition attire, and were encouraged to cooperate with the organising committee to ensure the success of the tournament.
The technical meetings will continue over the next few days. On Friday, meetings will be held for sports dance, basketball (3x3), and fencing. Taekwondo and wrestling meetings are scheduled for October 26 and 27, respectively. The technical meetings will conclude on October 28 with rhythmic and artistic gymnastics competitions.
Training Referees and Observers on the New Electronic Screen System in the Handball Hall
The Technical Committee for Handball Competitions recently held an advanced training session for referees and observers to familiarize them with the newly implemented electronic screen system for matches, as part of preparations for the handball competitions in the International School Games, hosted by the Kingdom until October 31.
This initiative is part of the Executive Committee’s efforts, under the leadership of His Excellency Mr Ali Issa Ishaqi, to improve refereeing standards and transparency. The training featured both theoretical and practical workshops on the proper usage of the new technology. A significant number of referees and observers attended the session, learning how to operate the new system, which is expected to enhance the match experience for players and fans alike.
The training covered the new features of electronic screens and prepared participants to address any potential technical issues during the games. This training is a crucial step toward ensuring all personnel are fully equipped to handle the technology during the tournament.